Bus routes from Sanya to mainland cities relocated to Automobile West Station
Starting from February 24th, 50 long-distance bus routes from Sanya to Chinese mainland cities have been relocated to Automobile West Station in Tianya District.
The 50 routes include Sanya to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Nanning, Zhengzhou and Chengdu.
After purchasing the bus tickets, passengers should be aware of the new departure stations. If the departure station (始发站) is named Sanya(三亚), it means you need to head to the Sanya Bus Station to take buses, or if it is named Sanya West Station (三亚西站), it means to take buses at Automobile West Station in Tianya District.
The Sanya Automobile West Station is located between the Gas Station and Taxation Bureau of Fenghuang Township on the way to Sanya Phoenix Airport. 三亚市汽车西站地址:三亚凤凰国际机场红绿灯十字路口往G225国道天涯方向500米处(中石化加油站和凤凰镇税务所之间)
Bus transportation to the Sanya Automobile West Station:
Bus 14
Hours of operation:
Youyi Police Station(友谊派出所)—Licai Farm (立才农场) direction: 7:00am-6:30pm
Licai Farm(立才农场)—Youyi Police Station(友谊派出所) direction: 7:00am-6:30pm
Bus 16
Hours of operation:
Honggang Market(鸿港市场)—Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone(南山景区) direction: 6:00am-10:30pm
Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone(南山景区)–Honggang Market(鸿港市场) direction: 7:00am-8:00pm
Bus 42
Hours of operation:
Phoenix Island(凤凰岛) – Sanya Automobile West Station(客运西站): 7:00am-8:00pm
Bus 43
Hours of operation:
Sanya Railway Station(火车站)—Sanya Automobile West Station(客运西站) direction: 7:00am-7:00pm
Sanya Automobile West Station(客运西站)– Sanya Railway Station(火车站) direction: 7:10am-8:00pm
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