Average hotel occupancy rate in Sanya reaches 79.3% on 3rd day of CNY
With a great number of tourists heading to Sanya to celebrate this year’s Chinese New Year, the average hotel occupancy rate in the city reached 79.3% on February 20, the third day of 2015’s Spring Festival, provided the number of hotel rooms available has grown 3.3% year-on-year.
On that day, the scenic spots in Sanya were crowded with tourists from both home and abroad. Among them, visitor arrivals to the Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone reached 33,000, up 1.23% year-on-year, said the Zone’s office. The number of tourist arrivals to Tianyahaijiao Scenic Spot was 29,000, an increase of 20.25% year on year, and Dongtian Park’s tourist arrivals reached 7,500.
The average hotel room rate across the city on the day was 2,890 yuan. Meanwhile, the rapid expansion of the family inns industry is also boosting the development of Sanya’s overall tourism industry, as tourists coming to the city are now provided with a wider amount of accommodation choices.
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