Sanya’s mangrove forests have declined sharply over the last 10 years, mainly due to excessive land reclamation for development and ever-increasing domestic sewage.

Driven by economic interests, some local residents have disregarded restrictions by fishing throughout the ‘restricted’ area in Tielu Port and Yulin River. The pollutants directly discharged into the water have put the mangrove forests in the area at risk.

Besides, some mangrove areas have been used for tourism development and construction. The profitable property development is turning the beautiful “guardians of the coast” into a concrete jungle full of hotels and development zones.

To better protect the mangrove forest, the Sanya Blue Ribbon Ocean Conservation Association will carry out a mangrove restoration program (2015-2016) to ensure that the erosion-mitigating mangroves can flourish.

Mangrove forests are rich in dead leaves and other forms of humus and are a habitat for many inshore animals. They are also known as the nursery of the seas, as 75% of tropical fish species spawn within them. Growing in inter-tidal zones, they are able to absorb the power of typhoons and the tides, preventing coastal erosion and protecting coastal ecologies.

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