A detailed plan on the construction of the Nanhai Pearl Artificial Island was officially put forth by experts recently, and was published by the Haikou Urban Planning Bureau to solicit public opinion. 
According to the plan, the Nanhai Pearl artificial island will be built off the coastal area of Haikou Bay.
The total landmass created will be about 254 hectares. The island will contain a cruise homeport, a base for yachts, a water sports area, a commercial zone and a small number of entertainment services. The island will be circular with a large part of the northern internal area occupied by a marina.
The total investment in the project is expected to be approximately 1.2 billion yuan.
The planned construction period for the project is a five year period, from 2014 to 2018, involving a total sea reclamation area of 459 hectares.
The project aims to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of Haikou Port and increase the pace of Hainan’s regional economic development.
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