In Yacheng Town of Sanya, different types of grapes thrive with large berries to the cluster. These six grape varieties are introduced from Shandong, Guangxi province.



These grapes are the "Red Balado" “East Star" " Sunshine Rose”, "Summer Black Pearls", " “Gold Finger”, and “Oriental Sun" by category. Agricultural technology aids were provided by Guangxi Agricultural College, Guangxi Institute of Grapes, Shandong Institute of Grapevines and other research departments. After a year and two months of experiments and trail growing, the grape farmers and technicians found that despite the humid climate and high summer rainfall, these grape vines actually "adapt" quite well in Sanya’s climate. Finally they succeeded with fruitful and promising results. The "Red Balado," “East Star" “Sunshine Rose" have been adapted very well to the environment in Sanya region, climate, soil quite well and have a stable and high yield. These grapes are very resistant to diseases and ripen much faster in winter with more and larger berries to the cluster. In addition to this, the sugar content of grapes is also higher, ranging from 18 degrees to 23 degrees in terms of its sweetness index.


According to the chief expert of the grape growing company, the proper climate is a variable term, since different types of grapes need different climates in order to thrive. With the power of science, they can grow grapes anywhere with more than three months of summer-like temperatures, since many grape varieties like it hot. The only places you really can’t grow grapes are that with year-round coldness or in rainy areas without enough sunlight. Actually, grapes can thrive in a warm, sunny climate with good seeds, good caring techniques and suitable soil condition like Sanya. Grape vines prefer the sunny seasons, mild winters sandy, slightly acidic soil with good drainage in Sanya. Sanya gets enough sunlight to provide eight hours of sun per each day in its warm winter with a daytime temperature of at least 18 degrees or warmer. Site, soil, and Sanitation are the most important factors in growing grapes. The grape farm company choose proper site to plant healthy grapes. The good air circulation in Yacheng grape farms keeps vines dry in the farm with slopes facing south or east in open and mild air circulation, with clean environment and good water drainage.


From the beginning of planting to the yielding of ripe grapes , there are only five months , the average yield reached 1000 kg per mu with a commercial value over 30,000 yuan that lead to pure profit of 18,000 yuan per mu . Technicians have mastered the grafting and cultivation techniques and they can plant grapes regardless of the period, especially in winter season. Around the Spring Festival, the price is good for grape planting companies and farmers. The watering and fertilizing is almost the same like that of growing local vegetables and melons and the key factor is to pay attention to scientific and rational irrigation water around period when grapes are changing colors and about to ripe.


In the future, grape planting companies will expand the planting area, and actively guide the farmers to increase their income by growing grapes for the winter fruit market in the mainland China or even for international markets. Thanks to the successful planting of grapes in Sanya, grape lovers can bite more grapes and swallow the slippery pulp in winter.


For hundred of years, people in tropical areas have being trying hopefully or desperately to cultivate the grapes to increase their income. Tropical grapes are in production in countries including India, and some Southeast Asian countries. Most of them grow grapes for wine making, but from now on, Sanya can grow table grapes for the market in winters, especially around spring festival for domestic and international markets.




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