Average rainfall of Sanya increases 52% over previous years in Jan-Aug period
According to Sanya meteorological departments, Sanya received 1,287 millimeters of rainfall between January to August, an increase of 52% over the 846 millimeter average rainfall during the same period in previous years.
By August 13th, the reservoirs of Sanya had been filled with a total of 413.84 million cubic meters of water, an increase of 99.12 million cubic meters over the same period of last year.
And the total water supply for the city had reached 74.83 million cubic meters by August 13th, an increase of 17.25 million cubic meters from last year’s.
In addition, the water supply for the city’s agriculture has totaled 270.64 million cubic meters, an increase of 81.88 million cubic meters over the same period of last year, enough to comfortably fulfill the agricultural demands of Sanya in the second half of 2013.
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