Sanya ‘plainclothes patrol squad’ solves 143 cases in 2012
According to a police news conference on crime in the city on July 8th, the Sanya 'plainclothes patrol squad' has solved 143 cases and arrested 195 criminal suspects since it was set up on March 27th 2012.
The 143 cases include 8 robberies, 73 thefts and 62 other cases, and 61 of the 195 criminal suspects are under criminal detention, 42 are under administrative detention, 19 are confined within compulsory drug detention centers and 6 are subject to community drug rehabilitation.
According to the police department, the squad's main task is to maintain public security and crack down on the crimes of "robbery, grabbing and theft" across the city.
The plainclothes police patrol the streets, markets, supermarkets and bus stations 24 hours a day.