Cooling-supply station at Yalong Bay expected to serve 3 more 5-star hotels
The 1st phase of the Cooling-supply station project with district cooling and ice storage systems at Yalong Bay has supplied heating, cooling, and electricity to 5 star-hotels since its completion in 2011, and is expected to serve 3 more hotels after the completion of the 2nd phase project.
According to the introduction, the planned cooling area of the cooling-supply station is 600,000 square meters, and its 1st phase project now has a cooling area of 400,000 square meters and a daily cooling capacity of 187,000 tons.
District Cooling with ice storage is the most cost-effective, reliable approach to cooling offices, hospitals, universities, airports and other multi-building complexes. These systems are environmentally friendly with lower energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
The application of district cooling with ice storage systems in Sanya’s hotel industry will reduce the electricity required from power plants during peak demand periods and increase energy efficiency.
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