Haikou air quality tops 74 major Chinese cities in first half of 2013

According to news from Shenzhen moment net, Ministry of Environmental Protection published seventy-four middle and big cities’ air quality in the first half year. Shenzhen is in the top ten cities. Shenzhen ranks five and six partially in two important indexes.
In the comprehensive environmental air quality index ranking, Shenzhen ranks six after Haikou, Zhoushan, Huizhou, Lhasa, and Fuzhou. If evaluated from urban air quality comprehensive index, Shenzhen ranks five. Some expert indicated: Shenzhen’s population density and industry density exceeds the first several cities, but Its air quality still keep on a high level, this is because Shenzhen has made a big progress on environment management and building green low carbon city.
SOURCE: szcpost.com
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