Residents raise concerns over risk of toxic chemical in toothpastes

Worries among local residents have risen over the safety of toothpastes containing triclosan, a toxic chemical which may lead to cancer, reports
Reporters saw that most of the famous toothpaste brands including Crest, Colgate, Darlie sold at stores showed no triclosan on the list of ingredients, but did see a small proportion of local brands containing the chemical.
As for the safety of toothpastes containing triclosan, most consumers hold a rational attitude towards the issue. Local resident Mr. Luo said there is no scientific evidence between triclosan and cancer. If found causing cancer, relevant departments will definitely ban using it.
Currently, the sales of toothpastes at stores in Sanya are not greatly affected or have gone down by the suspicion.
Since the major function of Triclosan is for anti-bacterial needs, insiders said there are a variety of other substances which can replace it to reach the same anti-bacterial effect.
Translated by WOS Team
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