A construction worker from Sichuan Province died at a worksite in the Luhuitou Development Zone after falling and being struck by three steel bars, reports xinhuanet.com.
The accident occurred July 7 at 16:50 pm at a construction site of the Luhuitou Development Zone. Wei Dengqiang, 34, fell five meters into the foundation and his body was struck by three steel bars. Rescue crews and ambulance emergency spent hours trying to get his body out of the bars.
“I witnessed that he was sliding about five meters down and shouting for help. After seeing the three steel bars strile his leg, abdomen and chest, we immediately stopped working and tried to rescue him in different ways”, said one of the victim’s colleagues.
Upon arrival, a firefighter said because of severe bleeding, the worker had difficulty breathing and almost lost his sense. They tried to cut steel bars into two pieces and removed the victim out from it.
The worker was removed and unfortunately announced dead on the scene by medical staff after so much bleeding.
The investigation is still ongoing according to relevant departments.
Translated by WOS Team
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