Taxi business in Sanya calls for further improvement
To some extent, taxies running around a city are the face of a city, especially for a popular tourist destination such as Sanya. Recently, tourists, residents and even taxi drivers have expressed the own opinions on the current situation of the taxi business in the city, reports.
In most residents’ opinion, spending an hour to get a taxi is not something hard to believe at all as it commonly happens in their daily life. With the development of Sanya, an increasing number of people are flooding to the city. Meanwhile, the number of taxies in the city remains the same, thus leading to the current situation.
On the other hand, many residents also reveal that many taxi drivers tend to choose tourists over residents as they make more money from tourists. As a result, this causes great inconvenience to many residents in Sanya.
However, for taxi drivers in Sanya, life is never easy for them either. Being a taxi driver often means that they have to take high risks at the same time as there are often possible dangerous situations happening to them.
To them, they are only doing what they have to do just to make ends meet.
Translated by WOS Team
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