2014 National Mountain Climbing Contest to start in Baoting
The competition features a 7-km hike for amateurs, a 11-km for mountain bikers and a 2.3-km hike for professionals.
The route for the 7-km competition will begin at the Qixian Square and end at the Zhuanpan Square and the route for the 110-km mountain hike competition will start at the Qixian Square and end at the entrance of Qixianling Mountain.
Approximately 3,200 people, including 200 professionals, are expected to take part in the event. Participants who are among the top 40 finishers will be given credential awards. The top 3 finishers in the male and female competitions will be each given a cash prize ranging from 6,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan each.
The National Mass Climbing Fitness Assembly, organized by the Chinese Mountaineering Association, has been held successfully for 12 years across the country since 2002 and 3 editions of it were held in Hainan, with more than 20 provinces and millions of people being attracted to participate in the event each year