Hainan Meilan Int’l Airport sees 27.4% jump in passenger volume in Feb 2014
Hainan Meilan International Airport Co Ltd, an aeronautical business and airport operator based in Hainan Province, has said its passenger volume reach 1.69 million in Feb 2014, 27.36% more than in the same month of 2013.
Last month, the company's aircraft movements climbed 21.78% year on year to 11,300, according to a statement filed with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
In the month of Feb, the airport's cargo and mail throughput increased 13.07% year on year to 23,800 tons.
In the first two months of this year, the company's passenger throughput amounted to 3.19 million, up 30.11% from a year earlier, and its cargo and mail throughput reached 49,700 tons in the period, up 19.49% from the same period of last year.
SOURCE: China Knowledge
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