Eight labour camp officials in China's southernmost province of Hainan have been removed from their posts for dereliction of duty after the death of an inmate, the provincial department of justice said Wednesday.

Two on-duty police officers are also under investigation, the department said in a statement.

The inmate, surnamed Fu, was found in coma with wounds on his body on June 3 at the No. 1 Reeducation-through-labour Center of Hainan, but subsequent emergency treatment failed saving him, it said.

His death came one day after he was admitted to the center.

Nine other inmates in the same group with Fu who are suspected of being related to Fu's death are also under police investigation, according to the statement.

According to China's judicial system, those who commit misdemeanors are normally placed in reeducation-through-labor centers instead of prisons. 

SOURCE: China Daily
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