Apple Travel makes train tickets booking easier for Sanya tourists has launched online train ticket booking services for local tourists. Instead of wasting your time in long queues in front of ticket windows at the train station, passengers now can book and pay for your train ticket from the comfort of your home, office or wherever you can access our website. Apple Travel offers several payment methods to customers.
Apple Travel provides the latest online china train schedule search service for those who are planning their train trip through China. Currently, Apple Travel can help you to book the tickets of trains departing from the 17 cities, such as Sanya, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Please search your trains and start a reservation at Apple Travel’s China Train Ticket Booking Center.
For more information please contact:
Apple Travel Xiamen Office (Main Office)
Address: Shop 18-20,Guanren Rd (behind the Marco Polo Hotel)
361006 Xiamen,
Fujian Province, China
Reservations: (86-592)-0592-5074377
Fax: (86-592)-5052948
Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 08:30-18:00 Sat. 09:00-17:00 Sun. 13:00-17:00
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