Philippine Consulate General Guangzhou donates books to Hainan schools

In line with this season's spirit of giving, the Philippine Consulate General in Guangzhou donated 160 books to the E'man Town Center School in Danzhou City and Wuwei Primary School in Huangtong Town, Lingao County in Hainan, December 1.
Consul General Joselito Jimeno travelled to Hainan for the book donation after attending the opening ceremony of the 8th China (Haikou) International Tourism Merchandise Fair (ITMF) held in the same province. He was accompanied by the Danzhou Foreign Affairs Office Deputy Director General Li Ruomei.
He turned over the books to Fu Weisheng and to the school officials of the E'man Town Center School in a simple hand-over ceremony attended by the students.
In Wuwei Primary School, Consul General Jimeno turned over the books to its school officials led by Headmaster Zhang Shijin.
In an arrangement with the Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, the Consulate chose the two schools from among the neediest schools in the poorer districts of Hainan.
Furthermore, the Consulate has also made arrangements with the Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office to donate 200 books to the Guangdong Red Cross. The turnover of the books is scheduled on the second week of January 2011.
The books donated were entitled "A Selection of Folk Tales from the Philippines for the Young Chinese Reader".
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