Biodiesel produced by CNOOC sold in 12 Sinopec gas stations in Hainan

Biodiesel has been sold by Sinopec in its 12 gas stations in Hainan Province in early November, which marks the first use of biodiesel in auto industry, China News Service (CNS) reported Sunday.
The biodiesel is produced by new energy investment subsidiary of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) according to Hannan's provincial standard – the B5 biodiesel blended fuel standard. It has also applied to be the national standard to the Standardization Administration of China recently.
CNOOC's investment subsidiary has established a plant with an annual yielding capacity of 60,000 tons of biodiesel oil in Dongfang in Hainan Province, and a cultivation base of Jatropha curcas in Danzhou in Hainan Province.
B5 biodiesel oil is a significative product as China is facing serious diesel oil shortage, the report said.
According to industry experts, in order to be sold in gas stations, biodiesel oil needs to be blended with petroleum diesel oil. In development countries, biodiesel oil accounts for 2 percent to 20 percent of the total volume of product diesel oil for retail. In B5 biodiesel oil made in Hainan, 2 percent to 5 percent are from biodiesel. Biodiesel industry in China faces problems in costs, raw materials and technology, experts said.
The raw material of biodiesel are of two types: oil-bearing crops including flax, soybean, ricinus communis and atropha curcas, and abandoned fat from plants and animals, including sulfated oil, residual and waste oils from cooking and hogwash oil.
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