Hainan student Jiang Lushang supports whole family, becomes inspring tale

A student of Hainan Medical University has single-handedly taken care of his bed-ridden brother, nephew and niece ever since his parents died of cancer years ago.
Jiang Lushang's elder brother became bed-ridden a few years ago after a series of illnesses, prompting his wife to abandon him.
Jiang narrated his tale at a college meeting earlier this week.
He won a seat in Hainan Medical University on full scholarship.
Last year, he used his scholarship to relocate his brother and his nephew and niece to an apartment near the college so he could devote his time to them.
"If there is a dream job, doctor it has to be. I want to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, while consoling their desperate souls," Jiang said.
SOURCE: chinadaily.com.cn
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