Celine Dion wowed onlookers at a recent awards ceremony wearing a dress that revealed legs as shapely as someone two decades younger.

Celine Dion performs onstage during the UCLA Head and Neck Surgery Luminary Awards.

Now 45, the Canadian mum of three says she is not a gym rat – ‘Being super-skinny is not important,’ she adds – but uses an exercise bike and stretches to keep fit.
What to try: Jumping jacks to tone and strengthen the legs and build cardiovascular fitness.
Stand with your hands by your sides. In one movement, jump up, spreading your legs apart as you raise your arms over your head.
You should land with your arms over your head and your  feet more than hip-width apart.
Jump up again and in one movement, bring your legs together and your arms back to your sides.
You have just done one jumping jack. Keep going for 15 seconds, building to 45 seconds as you get fitter.
SOURCE: Daily Mail
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