Salma Hayek, 45, cuts a striking figure, but she has admitted to neglecting diet and exercise in the past   
Since the birth of her daughter four years ago, Salma does Bikram yoga (performed in a hot room), and weights    
At 45, Salma Hayek cuts a striking figure, with a curvaceous shape and perfectly toned arms.

However, the 5ft 1in actress has admitted to neglecting diet and exercise in the past, saying: ‘I fight with it every day. I eat pork and love red wine.’

Since the birth of her daughter four years ago, she does Bikram yoga (performed in a hot room), and weights.

TRY THIS: A recent U.S. study found the triangle push-up was the best exercise for the triceps muscles in the backs of the arms.

Lie face down on the floor. Place your thumbs and forefingers of each hand together, palms down, to form a triangle beneath your face.

Extend your arms until they’re straight (but not locked) and get into a push up position, balancing on your toes and hands while keeping your hands in the triangle shape. If this is too tricky, put your knees on the floor.

Slowly lower your body, keeping your head aligned with your spine.

Don’t allow your lower back to sag or your hips to move up during this downward phase.

Continue until your chest or chin touches the floor. Next, press up through your arms imagining you are pushing the floor away from you, until your arms are fully extended (but not locked) at the elbows.

Repeat 12 to 15 times.
SOURCE: Daily Mail

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