36yo Vikki Salmon wakes up as a lesbian after 16-day coma
She was overcome by smoke and battled back to life from a coma. But when mum-of-two Vikki, 36, came round her feelings for men had been replaced by a loathing of the opposite sex.
And when she met up again with lesbian pal Julie Smith, 25, she realised she had become attracted to her. They have since started a relationship and are living together in Brinnington, Stockport.
Vikki, a former care assistant, said: “I used to be lad mad and I was on a date the night of the fire. But since the coma I haven’t been able to stand blokes.
"I’ve never had any gay tendencies before. Then all of a sudden I’m a full-blown lesbian.
"It must have been the accident that did it — that’s the only explanation I can think of.
"We’d like to get married but need to give ourselves at least a year. We were friends before all this and now we’re lovers.”
Friends and family have been surprised by their sudden life together, and not all are supportive.
Vikki added: “My dad thinks it’s a phase I’m going through but I never want a boyfriend for the rest of my life.
"Most people are not accepting it — but we’ve been together for seven months. I said to her, ‘It’s like you’ve sprinkled love dust over me’.”
When she woke from the coma, Vikki had no recollection of the fire in July that dest-royed her flat in Brinnington and all her belongings.
Doctors told her the fire brigade received a 999 call from the flat but she doesn’t remember making it.
She suffered burned lungs from smoke inhalation and has had nightmares and anxiety since.
"I knew I was getting more and more feelings for her as I was getting excited to see her.
"About two months later we were at a barbecue. We started kissing and everyone said it was because we were drunk. But I had genuine feelings for her.
"She left in the morning and then I started texting her and telling her how I felt. I was fighting my feelings for her because I was worried I was going to lose her as a friend and was worried it was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself.”
Her experience echoes that of ex-rugby player Chris Birch, 26 — who featured in a BBC3 documentary this week. He suffered a stroke and says it turned him gay.
Vikki said: “I know how he feels. We are very much the same.”
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